Berd Subregion Environmental Education Initiative (implemented by Green Lane NGO, funded by the Norwegian Embassy), 2013-2014.
Enhancing Local Capacity and Regional Cooperation for Climate Change Adaptation and Biodiversity Conservation in the South Caucasus (implemented by CENN, Mercy Corps, Green Lane NGO; funded by EU), 2012 – 2014.
Recognition of Wild Edible Plants, Processing and Usage in Food- (USDA MAP & FARA)
Agro Technique of Summer Bean Cultivation – Application of New Technology – (WB)
Seed Production of American Bean Varieties Under Ararat Valley Conditions – (WB)
The Experiment and Production of Bean (American) Varieties in Armenia – (ATG foundation)
The Investment of Leguminous Crops in Farms. (WB&USDA MAP)
Production, Processing and Marketing of medicinal and edible plants Used in Cooking. (USDA MAP)
Crops Rich with Proteins (USDA MAP)
Establishment first Farmer Field School for Integrated Pest Management in vine yeard (IPM FFS). – (USDA MAP )
Local Extension and Research Group (LERG) of Mrgashat, Armavir Marz. – (USDA MAP)
Demonstration plot Establishment for Organic Farming – (USDA MAP )
Organization of experimental demonstration sows of alfalfa – (USDA MAP )
Organic wheat production in Tavush marz – World Vision
Establishment of experimental demonstration sows of non-traditional crops – MCA, ACDI/VOCA
Agro Technique of Vegetable Bean Cultivation /3/– Application of New Technology – (WB, PIU)
Provision of high quality seeds to the members of Green Lane – USDA MAP, 2005
Chickpea trial in Sisian region – ACH, 2005 (Read more…)
Development and strengthening of milk marketing associations – ACH, 2005
Development of ‘Tolors’ Milk Marketing Association (Sisian region) – ACH, 2005 (Read more…)
Establishment and development of milk marketing association in Shagat Village (Sisian region) – ACH, 2006 (Read more…)
Pasture improvement project – ACH, 2005
Participation in conference and round table – “Organic Food and Organic Farming in Armenia towards Partnership and Sustainable Growth,” – CARD, 2005
Assistance to organic agriculture addressed to the conservation of environment and human health – OSIAF, 2006 (Read more…)
Study of inflation in the Republic of Armenia from 2004 – 2005 – Viargo Logic International, 2006
Organization of sweet corn production – CARD, 2006
Establishment and management of farmer associations – World Vision, 2006
Production of organic winter wheat by Gandzaqar FFS – World Vision, 2007
Establishment of demo farms for cultivation of non-traditional crops – ACDI/VOCA, 2007 (Read more…)
Vertically integrated promotion & marketing of Green Lane production – ACDI/VOCA, 2007-2008
Establishment and development of Farmer Field School in Republic of Armenia (Aragatsotn) – WB, RESCAD, 2008 (Read more…)
Capacity building for farmer groups on organic farming and low input sustainable agricultural in mountain regions of Armenia – Matra Embassy Project, Netherland’s Minister of Development Cooperation, 2007-2008
Publication of the 2nd edition of the Green Lane newsletter – AVALON – Netherlands, 2006-2007 (Read more…)
Establishment of experimental demonstration sows of non-traditional crops – MCA, ACDI/VOC
The Experiment and Production of Faba bean And cowpea Legume Varieties in Aragacotn Marz – WB/ASRC
The Experiment and Production of Snowpea, moung bean and soybean Legume Varieties in Kotayk Marz – WB/ASRC
Sustainable Land Management for Mitigating Land Degradation and Reducing Poverty in the South Caucasus Region, Caucasus REC Caucasus in partnership with Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)- Armenia, National coordinator. /Funded by EU/ /2009-2012/
Investigation on and Ex-Situ Cultivation of Vavilovia Formosa in Armenia-GL-TTP, Publication of Book Concerning Leguminous Crops
“Endangered Herbs in Armenia: Identification, Protection and Sustainable Harvesting” Funded by FPWC, 2012.
Environmental and waste management education program /Tavush marz, Berd subregion/-2012-2013, funded by the Norwegian Embassy
Strengthening and Engagement of Rural Women in Natural Resources Management in the South Caucasus Region – funded by EED (implemented by CENN, Green Lane), 2010 – 2014
Empowerment of Women Centres in Armenia through Providing Business Promotion Opportunities and Outreach – US Embassy in Armenia, 2011 – 2012
Harnessing ICT for Improved Farming Practices (EIFL, 2011-2012)
Development of rural areas through local product (Green Lane NGO in Armenia, “Social Ecological Institute” NGO in Poland, funded by the government of Poland), 2013
Support to Rural Development in the Aragatsotn Marz, Armenia (implemented by Green Lane NGO, ACF International; funded by the European Union), 2013-2014.
Green Lane’s report for 2008-2010 (Read more…)
Final report: analysis of dynamics and trends of land degradation (produced under the Project for Sustainable Land Management for Mitigating Land Degradation and Reducing Poverty in the South Caucasus Region) (Read more…)